Build up your streak by attending meetups!

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Group Overview - Video
Desktop - EN
Desktop - DE
Mobile - EN
Mobile - DE
Voice Channels
Join a voice channel

Click on the voice channel name to connect. You can switch between voice channels this way as well.

Disconnect from a voice channel

Click on the phone with a cross icon to disconnect from a voice channel

Text Channels
Use text channels

Use these to text-chat with the other members during the meetups. If you are in "Reden 3" Voice Channel, you can use "Reden 3" Text Channel

Log Out
Log Out

This is how to log out of Discord. You can then log in again anytime. This is different from the "Leave Server" - which will remove you from the group permanently, so beware!

Set up Discord group
Check to see if the group has been added to your Discord

If your screen looks like this, you do not have the group. There is no blue "Deutsch Gym" button on the left.

If you cannot see the group, add it.

If you cannot see the blue button, you need to add the group to your Discord account.
Use the invite link in your welcome email here to add the group.

Enter the group

Click on the blue "Deutsch Gym" button on the left to enter the group

Read the themes

We use themes/topics for our meetups. Check the Themen channel to see the themes. You can read the theme during a meetup.

Meetup Schedule / Zeitplan

Check the meetup times for the month in the Zeitplan channel

Audio Issues
Voice Settings

If you are having audio problems, check your settings: Input Device, Output Device. Do a Mic Test. Try with and without headphones.

Microphone Sensitivity

If your speaking partners are telling you your voice is being cut off, you can make your microphone more sensitive. Moving the slider to the left (increasing the amount of green) will make your microphone more sensitive.

When will I be charged?

You will be charged when you sign up, and then again on the date of your next billing period. If you purchase a Monthly plan on May 2nd, you will be charged on May 2nd and again on June 2nd. The same goes for the Quarterly (you will be charged every 3 months) and Yearly plans.

Are payments automatic?

Yes, the monthly is billed once per month, the quarterly every 3 months, and the yearly once per year. You can cancel anytime and you will not be charged again. You will be an active member until the end of your billing period.

Can I cancel anytime?

Absolutely. Just log into the website and click on cancel. You will then not be charged again. You will still have an active membership until the end of the billing period.

Can I pause my membership?

Yes. Just email me on and I will pause your payments.

Speaking Level
Do you have different groups for different speaking levels? 

Yes, we have separate groups for A2, B1, B2 and C1.

Can change to a different level (e.g. from A2 to B2)?

Yes, e.g. if you join the A2 group and the level is not high enough, you can switch to the B1 group and keep the exact same subscription. Email or message Rónán on Discord if you would like to change.

What is my speaking level?

A2 - Just after beginner level. You can have a basic conversation about everyday activities.
B1 - You can describe more experiences and give reasons and explanations for points made.
B2 - You can discuss more abstract concepts, and can give advantages/disadvantages on a variety of opinions.
C1 - Advanced - you can express yourself fluently and without much pause.

The Meetups
Do the meetups start on time?

Absolutely. Please enter the main voice group, Allgemein Voice, 3 minutes before the start time.

I just want to listen and not speak, is that possible?

No! It is a speaking group - that's how you improve! Luckily we have created a welcoming and encouraging environment for you to speak German.

Do you accept members on a rolling basis?

Yes, we constantly accept members.

What is the schedule for the meetups?

The schedule is here: 

How big are the speaking groups?

The groups are 3 people per group. The whole group meets together at the start, and then the groups split up into the smaller groups. There will always be space for you.

Do you use video for the meetups?

No, we use audio only. It's a bit strange at first, but once you get used to it you won't want to go back.

Do you do lessons?

For the meetups, there are no lessons. We do offer intensive speaking courses, where there is an instructor teaching you.

Is there a minimum age to join?

You need to be at least 18 years old to join. The topics and all the discussions are about everyday themes, or are totally family friendly, but the group is all adults, so I'd prefer to keep it that way, and not mix adults and under 18 year-olds.

Will I be speaking with an instructor during the meetups?

For most of the time, no. The meetups are to practice the German you have already learnt, and to use the opportunity to speak. Occasionally you will be in a group with a mother speaker, but the majority of the time you will be in groups with other members.

Do I have to click "attending" on Meetup before every meetup?

No - there is no need once you are a member. You can simply show up and take part whenever you want!

Will I get the conversation themes/topics for the meetups in advance?

Yes - themes will be posted in the Discord group 1 week in advance. You can read the themes in advance an prepare for the meetup. There is no homework, however.

What topics are we going to discuss in the meetups?

There are different topics, or themes, everyday for each level A2, B1/B2, C1. There are 10 questions in every theme to talk about, and you can stay on any answers as long as you like.

For A2, the topics are focused on everyday activities, such as Eating, Siblings, Hotels, and Fast Food. Read a real theme that we use in the A2 meetups here.

For B1/B2, the topics get a bit more difficult, with some examples being Globalisation, Long-Distance Relationships, and Creativity.
Read a real theme that we use in the B1/B2 meetups here.

For C1 the themes will test your German vocabulary and grammar even more, with themes such as Critics, Famine, and Mobility and Living Quality.
Read a real theme that we use in the C1 meetups here.

These are of course just a few examples of the themes in our meetups - the range of themes is quite varied and diverse, and there is always something interesting to talk about.

Download our free ebook of 25 B1 conversation themes here:

Will I be speaking with an instructor during the meetups?

Yes. The meetups are a mixture of you speaking with the other participants as well as the tutor - you will be put into groups of 3 people per group for the hour, and you will speak about the theme with them. The tutor rotates between the groups. The tutor will join you for 15 minutes per meetup to help you and give you feedback on your German.

Signing Up & Access
How do I join the group?

Please click on the tap "How to Use" above for instructions.

Do I need to use the Discord invite link every time I want to attend a meetup?

No. Once you have joined the group on Discord with the invite link, you are in. You do not need to use the invite link again. The group will be added to your Discord. Simply open Discord and the group will be there.

Do I need to log into this website to join a meetup?

No, to join a meetup just open up Discord that you have downloaded on your phone or computer. Logging into this website will allow you to see and adjust your membership details and other information about the group.

Discord is telling me that my email is not recognised.

You need to register for a Discord account. and Discord are separate platforms. After you sign up to, you will be sent instructions on how to sign up to Discord. You need to create a new free account with Discord. You then click on the click we send you, which will add you to our Discord group.

Corporate / Business
Do you have a corporate pricing tier?

Yes, please email me for info

I want to expense my membership at my work. Can I get invoices?

Yes, email and I'll set you up with invoices.

Referral Program
What is the referral program?

If your friend signs up with your unique signup link, you will get 33% of all future payments from the referee. You can register for it here. Then you will get a unique link that will link to this website. You can then share that unique link with your friends. If they sign up, you will get 33% of all their future payments. You will be paid through PayPal. You will have to wait 21 days after your friend signs up to receive payment. This is in case they are refunded. Your friend must sign up within 40 days of clicking on your link.

English Version
1. Be on time. Arrive in the "Allgemein Voice" channel 3 minutes before the meetup starts. We are very punctual. If you arrive 5 minutes late you may be admitted to a group, but only if there is a space. If you are later than 5 minutes, you will not be allowed to join. It is too disruptive to the group.

2. Make sure you are in a quiet room with no background noise. There must be no people talking in the background. Do not do a meetup walking on the street. Have a good internet connection. Do a "Mic Test" in "Voice Settings" to check your audio quality. Try using headphones if your audio quality is poor.

3. The meetups are 1 hour long. You are expected to stay for the full hour of the meetup. Staying for 30 minutes is not acceptable.

4. Be respectful of others. Treat others as you would like yourself to be treated. Any abusive behaviour will not be tolerated. If someone is being abusive, please tell one of the moderators immediately.

5. Be respectful of others’ time. When there are 3 people in a group, everyone should be speaking ⅓ of the time.

6. No promotion of other groups is allowed.

7. No promotion of your business is allowed in the text channels (but obviously you can talk about it in a meetup, when it is what you do with your life)

8. No spam is allowed, no mass-sending of private messages.

9. If you want to move up a level, ask Ronan. You are not automatically allowed to move up a level (e.g. from B2 to C1). If a moderator doesn’t allow you to, their decision is final.

10. If you are asked by a moderator to move down a level (e.g. from B2 to B1), you must do so. 11. It is not a race! You do not have to answer every question before the meetup ends.12. Breaking any of the rules can result in you being removed from the group.
Deutsche Version
1. Wir sind sehr pünktlich. Wenn man 5 Minuten später kommt wird man nur falls noch Platz ist, einer Gruppe zugeteilt.Wenn Du mehr als 5 Minuten zu spät bist, kannst Du nicht mehr mitmachen. Es stört die Gruppe zu sehr.

2. Du musst in einem ruhigen Raum ohne Hintergrundgeräusche sein. Es dürfen keine Menschen im Hintergrund sprechen. Mache kein Meetup, wenn du auf der Straße gehst. Deine Internetverbindung musst gut sein. Mache einen "Mic Test" in den "Voice Einstellungen" um deine Audioqualität zu überprüfen. Bitte Kopfhörer benutzen, wenn die Audioqualität schlecht ist.

3. Die meetups dauern 1 Stunde. Es ist besser, die ganze Stunde zu bleiben. 30 Minuten zu bleiben wird nicht akzeptiert.

4. Habe Respekt vor anderen. Behandele Andere , wie Du selbst behandelt werden willst. Schlechtes Benehmen wird nicht toleriert. Wenn sich jemand schlecht benimmt, erzähle es bitte sofort  einem der Moderatoren.

5. Habe Respekt vor der Zeit der anderen. Wenn es 3 Leute in der Gruppe gibt, sollte jeder ca. ⅓ davon sprechen.  

6. Eine Werbung für andere Gruppen ist nicht gestattet.

7. Es ist keine Werbung deines Unternehmens erlaubt, in den Text Channels (aber du kannst darüber in einem Meetup reden, wenn es das ist was Du mit deinem Leben tun)

8. Kein Spam ist, keine Massen an privaten Nachrichten zu verschicken ist erlaubt.

9. Wenn Du in ein höheres Level wechseln willst, frag Ronan. Du darfst nicht automatisch in ein nächstes Level wechseln (zum Beispiel von B2 und C1). Wenn ein Moderator es Dir nicht erlaubt, ist Ihre Entscheidung gültig.

10. Wenn ein Moderator darum bittet, ein Level tiefer zu gehen, (zum Beispiel von B2 nach B1) bitte tu dies.

11. Es ist kein Rennen! Es müssen nicht alle Fragen vor dem Ende des Meetups beantwortet werden.

12. Wenn eine dieser Regel gebrochen wird, kannst Du von der Gruppe entfernt werden.some text inside of a div block.